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Traditionally, software onboarding and implementation would take place using a wide range of tools, processes, and people. Therefore, this resulted in delayed value for customers, deteriorated customer experience, and reduced visibility.  

The Mavim Connect Center (MCC) is a service hub where you can manage the administrative tasks associated with your Mavim cloud environment. The MCC started out as a self-service page for customers to manage their own federations between their tenant or domain and the Mavim Portal (publication) without having to schedule appointments with our engineers. This federation enables customers to access the published content with a seamless login experience (Single Sign-On). With suggestions from our customers, we have continued to expand the functionality in the MCC and will continue to do so in the future. 
Today, Mavim application managers can also easily administer user accounts and licenses for the cloud version of the Mavim Manager. Just send an invite to your colleagues from the MCC, and upon receiving and accepting the invitation, they can start working in the Mavim Manager right away. Also, the MCC has simplified the requesting, creating, and assigning of additional databases. 

The Mavim Connect Center empowers organizations to grow at scale and improve the onboarding Experience for customers and partners.  

One of the key pillars of the Mavim Connect Center is that we do not want to be in the way of our partners/ customers while they scale using Mavim by delivering an independent and self-service license management onboarding application in parallel with an intuitive business intelligence layer. The Mavim Connect Center helps to deliver value faster, enables consistently delightful experiences, while helping to achieve complete visibility and derive actionable insights to continuously improve. 


Goals and Benefits of the MCC 

  1. Provides the Partner/ Customer a low-touch onboarding portal and significantly reduces the barrier to scale across products, functions, users, and geography. 


  1. Provides the Partners/ Customers the capability to order additional licenses across products using the Order Form in the MCC  


  1. Improved Customer Onboarding, increased value delivered, and increased visibility using the Mavim Connect Center (MCC) 


  1. Enables Partners/customers to independently manage licenses and add-ons across our products 


  1. Facilitates Partners and Customers to independently establish & manage identities across our products 


  1. Enables Partners/Customers to independently manage database access and publication rights 


  1. Provides a one stop-shop to manage user roles and user access across all the products, and bridges the gap between the administrators, users, and application managers. 


  1. Seamless automated deployment of the products to the users  


  1. Enable Partners/Customers to have a unified view of licenses procured, federated portals, and the list of users who can access the various products 


  1. Facilitates various federation options for the products irrespective of organization security standards. Below are the various federation options- 



The Mavim Connect Center closes the gap between administrators, application managers, and end-users by bringing all the necessary administrative tasks in to one convenient location. The Mavim Connect Center (MCC) intends to help customers and partners adhere to a tested playground to deliver predictable and delightful experience for all your customer.  

Watch the video to learn more. 


Written by: Sashank Ramesh, Value Engineer at Mavim


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